Business Is One Big Repeatable Cycle

It is easy to start a company and learn how to sale your services and deliver what you promised. But, do you know the other 4 steps of a healthy business cycle?

Watch this video to learn how to complete the entire business cycle. Spoiler may be missing the business finance side of the cycle. 

1. Marketing confirms your company is good at attracting new prospects.

2. Sales confirms your team is good at converting leads to customers.

3. Operations confirms your team is good at delivering the services your promised.

4. A healthy profit confirms your company is good at charging the right price, delivering services in an efficient manner and keeping your overhead expenses low. 

5. Cash from operations confirms your company is good at collecting money from customers and manages money well.

6. When your business enters the Freedom stage (generates more money than the business needs to operate), it confirms your business is ready to grow!

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